636-928-0082 | 4532 South Saint Peters Parkway | Saint Peters, MO 63304

What are your hours?
We are open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
How do I get an estimate?
We are available for estimates during our regular hours. Please call ahead for an appointment. Estimates can take anywhere from 10-20 minutes depending upon the severity of the damage.
My insurance company says that you are not on their list of recommended shops. Can I still come here?
Yes, we work with ALL insurance companies, and we guarantee our workmanship as long as you own that vehicle.
If I received an estimate from my insurance company, do I still need to get an estimate from you?
No, you do not need to receive an estimate from us. All you have to do is bring the preliminary estimate from your insurance company, and we will match it as well as contact them for additional parts/repairs.
When can I be scheduled for car servicing?
After we established an insurance estimate, we will get you on the schedule. However, we do tend to book up quickly, so if you have a safe-to-drive vehicle, you might have to wait a little.
How long will it take for my car to be repaired?
We will give you an estimate of how long it could take. This can vary depending on the car’s severity of damage, make, model, parts available, etc. Insurance company standards are total labor / 4 hours is estimated days in shop. For example, we might have a total labor time for paint and body work that adds up to 32 hours. We will work on it for four hours a day, which means we would end up with an estimated eight days in the shop to repair.
What do I do if I need a rental?
Check with your insurance company if you have rental options available. There are two locations closest to us, which are Enterprise on Jungerman and Herts on Technology. You can reach Enterprise at (636) 922-4035 and Hertz at (636) 300-0902.
What is the actual repair process?
- Estimate
- Tear down
- Body
- Prep for paint
- Paint
- Reassembly
- Detail
- Shake down/quality check
What is the deductible?
Your deductible is determined by your insurance company. Think of it like a copay at a doctor’s office. When your vehicle is completed, we will collect your deductible.
We Will Handle All Insurance Claims from Start to Finish
636-928-0082 | 4532 South Saint Peters Parkway, Saint Peters, MO 63304